The Flood and the Faithful Man
A devout man lived in a town that was about to be flooded. As the waters rose, his neighbors urged him to evacuate. He replied, "God will save me."
As the floodwaters reached his porch, rescuers in a boat came by and offered him a ride. He declined, saying, "God will save me."
Later, as he sat on his roof with the waters still rising, a helicopter hovered overhead, and a rescuer lowered a rope. Again, he refused, insisting, "God will save me."
Eventually, the waters overcame him, and he drowned. In heaven, he asked God, "Why didn't You save me?"
God replied, "I sent you a warning, a boat, and a helicopter. What more did you expect?"
These jokes highlight the humorous side of faith and the importance of recognizing the help that comes our way.